Guerrilla Banana Recall
Name of Company: BeCurious Productions & West Philadelphia Improv Incubator
Description: First aired at Free Fringe in 2019, Guerrilla Banana Recall is back by popular demand!
We will cause an unexpected scene in a public place that aims to surprise and delight random strangers! Everyone participating in the show can do so without talking, making noise, or interacting with strangers. The show is family friendly and inspired by the NYC-based positive prank comedy troupe Improv Everywhere. Rest assured the show is a harmless fun act that is designed to make people laugh but not interfere with their day in any way.
We will meet at 30th Street Station where details of the show will be shared. We will then ride the SEPTA Market/Frankford Line as a group from 30th Street to 2nd Street and then back to 30th Street, performing the show there and back. We may be able to perform the show more than twice depending on size and interest of the group.
A limited supply of 2-trip SEPTA passes and extra bananas will be available but if you have your own SEPTA key card and/or banana, please bring them. See you there! Please feel free to email sacredawk@gmail.com with any questions!"
Cast: Anyone and everyone
Show Dates + Times: 10/22/2022 @ 12 noon
Location/Venue: 30th Street Station, underneath Angel of Resurrection Sculpture
Length of Show in Minutes: 60
Description of Venue: We will perform on the Market/Frankford Line train
Accessibility: All stops on the Market Frankford line for this performance are wheelchair accessible.
Additional Details: Bring one banana per person. Headphones optional. The show is family friendly and children of all ages are encouraged to attend with their parents/guardians.
Bio: Founded in 2007, West Philly Improv Incubator meets every weekend for pay-what-you-will improv classes, jams, and performances. Everyone is welcome and no acting or improv experience is required! Email sacredawk@gmail.com for more details on attending.