Description: Free Stand up comedy showcase. Featuring amazing local and out of town comics. Occurs 2nd and 4th Monday of the Month
Cast: 9/12 show Hosts Sam Bansner & Jamie Fitzpatrick. Featuring comedians Dan Clark, Seamus Millar, Manny Brown, Ellie Summerling and Betty Smithsonian. 9/26 show. Same hosts. Featuring Comics Rob Brooks, Kyle Reagan, Aaron Bell, Lemaire Lee and others
Show Dates + Times:
September 12 Doors 8 show 830
September 26 Doors 8 show 830
Location/Venue: Black Sheep Pub, 247 S 17th St, upstairs
Length of Show in Minutes: 60
Capacity: 30
Description of Venue: 2nd Floor Space of an Irish Pub, Full restaurant and bar
Accessibility: There are stairs to access the stage
Bio: HaHa Black Sheep is hosted by Philadelphia comedians Sam Bansner and Jamie Fitzpatrick. We have been bringing some amazing comedians to the Black Sheep Pub since June. Killer line ups and free admission for an enjoyable Monday night from some of the best comics Philly has to offer.